Massage & Reiki

Massage therapy dates back thousands of years and can be used for a variety of purposes such as to relieve pain, relieve headaches, reduce stress, promote sleep and relaxation, reduce anxiety and depression and aid in general wellness.

Swedish holistic massage is the manipulation of body tissues to maintain or restore health and wellbeing. Through manual manipulation, or the use of hot stones, the muscles and connective tissue is moved and worked in order to aid health. Touch is a fundamental human need and integral part of holistic all-round wellbeing and health.

With Swedish massage, long strokes are used as well as kneading, tapping, vibrational movements and deep circular movements. Research suggests that a single massage session can reduce anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate whilst multiple sessions can reduce general anxiety and depression, pain – especially lower back pain, neck pain and headaches.

Massage sessions can be invigorating, relaxing or pampering and are tailored to the individual.

Massage sessions can also incorporate Reiki if desired. Reiki is an energy healing process that enhances the wellbeing and relaxation experience whilst reducing stress, promoting relaxation and boosting the immune system. Reiki works in a holistic way working on physical, emotional, spiritual and mental level to ensure balance and to aid the body in establishing equilibrium for itself.